New Babies born to ISI Santa Cruz friends!!!
Glamour shots at right of Gilbert, Elias and Sijia
1. Gilbert Kasozi born to Godfrey and Grace Kasozi in Kasese/Kampala Uganda, their third child. ! Oct 26, 2014, at 5:51 AM, Godfrey <[email protected]> wrote: Dear friends -- I first thank you for financial support and all your prayers . Am happy to inform you that. Baby Gilbert is born today at 9.15 a.m. The mother is out of the theater still very weak , it is likely we shall be here until Wednesday of next week then we shall be planing to go back to Kasese. Thank you so much without you this would have been impossible I called him Gilbert to recognize my friends that played a very big role for him to be born. Now it gives a lot of challenges , what will I ever do to friends. they have done so much to me. Thank you Godfrey D Kasozi Mother Grace's delivery and had extended hospital stay (and extra hospital bills) In his last email, Godfrey requested funds for transport home from Kampala to Kasese, and Praise to God for another iSI volunteer who just sent funds today.Godfrey is our ISI alumni who got me involved with all the great projects that are filling up my ISI newsletters: Sister Cities, Rotary, UCSC Sustainability groups, etc 2. Elias Jacob M. born Born August 22, 2014, 8 lbs 1 oz., 20" to Zaki & Amina (Zaki is alumni from Af-anis-tan) now living in Monterey. Zaki teaches his native language at the Defense Language Institute and recently became an American Citizen. Zaki and Amina came up for a visit this week to share the new star of their lovely family. Elias is very energetic until his eyes started shutting down to half mast (pic at right) 3. Sijia Jiang born to Prof. Zhigang and Dandan Jiang (current ISI SC Professor in EE from China) "Our girl was born in October 14 night, weight 9 pounds 1 ounce, a big girl, thank you." Note from Peggy, I got to visit the beautiful family last night and am honored to join in the delightful experience with mother, father and visiting Aunt from China. Baby Sijia was supremely content as we all took turns holding her, like a serene Empress surrounded by her royal courtiers. 4. Yuze Ding born Oct. 20 to Dr. Fan Xiaohua (current ISI Prof. from China and member of ISI Bible study group) "Dear friends,We are happy to announce the birth of our new baby. He was born on 20th Oct. Now the mom and baby are doing well. Thanks for your attention!" 5. Felix born August to Dr. Fengli Lan, visiting scholar from China studying Sociology and Asian medicine at UCSC Welcome to our world new babies! Congratulations to you wonderful parents! May God shower you richly with many blessings upon your growing families full of love!!! |