Support ISI Staff Peggy Pollard click "Peggy Pollard" fund #5466 >>>
Thank you supporters of ISI @UCSC!
UPDATE Dec. 2024: ISI UCSC ministry funding for 2024 is now only 70% of the budgeted 15 hours/week for the sole ISI staff serving UCSC, Peggy, for both expenses and salary. Your donation however small or large, supports our ISI ministry team to share Christ's love with the 2,000 international students and scholars at UC Santa Cruz. You are also supporting Peggy as 2024-25 President of UCSC University Interfaith Council --the official UCSC support for all the UCSC faith/religious groups on campus THANK YOU for supporting!!!
Support UCSC's Global Problem-Solvers to experience Christ's love through our ISI Santa Cruz team.
The truth and love they learn from us they bring to the world!
2023 Support Peggy's ISI Trip Singapore - India - Kenya - Uganda June 17 - July 14, 2023 To Donate to Peggy's ministry trip, click at right Account 5466 Peggy Pollard , -->
or mail check and NOTE for "ISI Conference, India-Africa trip. Thank you so much for your partnership in Christ.
2021-22 Invest in our ISI Santa Cruz team -- Thanks to two EXTRA donations last year, staff Peggy is now temporarily supported for 20 hours/week!! This will last from Oct. 2021 to March 2022. Your donation can keep that support going for the rest of the school year, just when more internationals are returning to campus and we are ramping up more in-person ISI events.
If not, then my support will go back down to 10 hours/week to coordinate our ISI team of 22 volunteers from 7 churches.
Our team shares quality friendship for UCSC's 2,000 cutting-edge undergrad, Masters and Phd. students, postdoctoral researchers & professors and their families.
Before COVID ISI Santa Cruz annually averaged 50 - 100 international students who participated at some point during the year in ISI friendship events They have returned to their homes around the world with memories of their ISI Santa Cruz friendship experiences. Last 3 years attendance has been way down to just a few, but we are getting a few more signups, Fall 2022 we had 75 new students signups, about 15 participated at least once during the year. Nevertheless, we've been faithfully inviting and sharing Christ's love with them however we can connect.
Thanks for your investment in sharing Christ's love with these leaders who are truly solving the most important problems of our world.
Ongoing donations-- We need your support! Funding 2021-23 averaged 20 hours/week for staff salary, (goal was 30 hours/week)
Be a monthly donor for $25, $50 or $100 a month to close that gap! One-time donations also welcome. Easiest way is to donate online at right ---->>>>>>>
Or to donate by mail, make checks to “ISI”note for Acct 5466(do NOT put my name on it) and mail to ISI: donor receipting P.O. Box C Colorado Springs, CO 80901
Click HERE to see how donating to ISI gets you more bang for your bucks!
UCSC world class scholars deserve a fully funded ISI ministry team to welcome them in Christ’s love.
Thank you for your partnership!
Peggy Pollard,Santa Cruz staff, International Students, Inc. Sharing Christ’s Love with International Students [email protected] (831)239-3429
If you have recurring donations prior to August 10, 2021, please click the button below.
Please use "ISI Santa Cruz Events" account at right --->>>> to donate to emergency assistance for UCSC International students during COVID-19 crisis. Per IRS law, funds can only be used for receipted basic needs as food and rent for max of $550/student/calendar year. Thank you for supporting our wonderful UCSC international students to keep being global leaders, when they need it the most!