ISI Santa Cruz -- Zoom online Workshops
Fridays July 17, 11-12 noon March 28
Weekly: Prayer meeting Fridays 12:30 - 1pm noon (30 minutes)
NOTE: as of April 6, I've removed Zoom link from this website for security concerns,
contact Peggy directly for Zoom link and password
to join a Zoom meeting--
(text Peggy to confirm (831)239-3429)
1 -- FIRST TIME: download the free Zoom app to your computer or phone to reuse each time.
or sign into a Zoom meeting on their website
2 -- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
(click on zoom link from Peggy
(Contact Peggy for link to video meeting, and to phone #s for phone call joining
3 -- PASSWORD now required (contact Peggy for latest password)
4 -- Due to added security protections, you may now need to wait in Zoom Waiting Room until host invites you in to the meeting.
contact Peggy directly for Zoom link and password
to join a Zoom meeting--
(text Peggy to confirm (831)239-3429)
1 -- FIRST TIME: download the free Zoom app to your computer or phone to reuse each time.
or sign into a Zoom meeting on their website
2 -- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
(click on zoom link from Peggy
(Contact Peggy for link to video meeting, and to phone #s for phone call joining
3 -- PASSWORD now required (contact Peggy for latest password)
4 -- Due to added security protections, you may now need to wait in Zoom Waiting Room until host invites you in to the meeting.